לעמוד החדשות
המצטרף/ת האחרון/ה לארגון נקים טולטול מ- --- דוד בן גוריון וראשית השת"פ עם האויב בשואה עד להפקרות הבטחונית של היום
Petitionto the High Court(HCJ 2205/21)by Dr. Seligman&Haim Yativ to stop Vax campaign  
הגב לנושא    אינדקס הפורומים -> הודעות של נקים

עדכונים של נקים:

דברי הנבואה שנכתבו לפני עשרות שנים במבוא לספר "טרגדיה ותקווה"
שני 09.09.24 11:05

המימון של "אחים לנשק" מצביע על מעורבות המוסד בהקמתו כהכנה לפלישה של ה-7 באוקטובר
שלישי 06.08.24 9:40

זהותו של מפקד הימ"מ נחשפת בשלומיאליות שלו עצמו של הצנזורה ושל השב"כ
ראשון 16.06.24 13:00


אוהב את ישראל, אוהב צדק? לארגון `נקים` דרוש נדבן פילנטרופ ולוחם

מעריב חושף ששופטי העליון גונבים מהציבור הטבות מפליגות הכל בניגוד גמור לחוק

רצח רבין:השבכ נעתר לבקשה של נקים לשחרר את פרופ' היס מחובת הסודיות על ניתוח הגופה

בלי בושה: השופטת ורדה אלשיך סידרה למקורבה השופט בדימוס פלפל שכר טרחה של 10 מיליון ש"ח

עמיר מנור, כתב מעריב, הוקלט משקר טרם הוציא כתבה שקרית נגד 'נקים' המיחצנת את רשם האגודות ושותפיו

שחיתות מע' המשפט פורצת את מחסום הקול,ראיון על ארגון נקים בקול ישראל, בייניש, מזוז ושנדר תחת ביקורת

הראל סגל: 'יש אדונים לארץ הזו והדמוקרטיה משרתת אותם ואת האינטרסים שלהם. כל היתר, וזה כולל את רובכם, נתונים במעמד עבדים החיים באשליית אדנות...'

צפה בנושא הקודם :: צפה בנושא הבא  
מחבר הודעה
חיים יטיב
דובר של `נקים`
דובר של `נקים`

הצטרף: 23 ינו' 2006
הודעות: 1013

הודעהפורסם: שישי 16.04.21 16:30    נושא ההודעה: Petitionto the High Court(HCJ 2205/21)by Dr. Seligman&Haim Yativ to stop Vax campaign

this is the petition translated into english. thanks to Hanna for her great work.
The suprem court rejected the petition arguing that it won`t interfer with the medical evaluation of the ministry of health. We asked to disqualified the main judge Yael Vilner at the very beginning but she refused in astonishing circumstances. The petition is anyway of great importance for describing the pattern that happen not only in Israel but in many other countries.

Yesterday, March 30, 2001, a petition was submitted to the High Court (HCJ 2205/21) by Dr. Hervé Seligman and Haim Yativ to request to pause the vaccination against Corona.
We have attached to the petition the expert opinion of the Nobel Prize winner in Medicine Prof. Luc Montagnier who discovered the AIDS virus. Prof. Luc Montagnier turned to the undersigned after he saw the publications on the Nakim website regarding the high mortality rateof people who received an injection of Pfizer's "vaccine". Prof. Montagnier kindly agreed to write an expert opinion to the Supreme Court explaining the dangers involved in the RNA vaccine which he concludes with the words: "In the face of an unpredictable future, it is better to abstain."

The petition is attached hereto. Any physician or expert who wishes to join the petition as a party or is interested in forwarding an affidavit / expert opinion concerning the petition that will befiled to the High Court to strengthen it, is welcome to contact Haim Yativ through telegram @HaimYativ or WhatsApp 0546253858 and / or by email haim@nakim.org.

This is another stage in the legal battle to stop the vaccines and protect the children of Israel and its citizens, there is still a long way to go before us and we publish the petition in full in order to alert the public and to assist other lawyers in preparing similar petitions.

The petition file is attached below as well as two of the opinions that were attached to it.

Best regards
Haim Yativ

the full petition in hebrew:

In the Supreme Court HCJ 21/2205
Sitting as the High Court of Justice

1. Dr. Hervé Seligmann ID-Nr. ...........
2. Haim Yativ .......... ID-Nr. ……………..
Har Amasa, 9040300
Email:haim@nakim.org Tel:0546253858
And hundreds of other citizens who signed the petition for the proper administration of the "Nakim Israel" organization.
The Petitioners
- Against -
1. The Minister of Health
2. General Director of the Ministry of Health
3. The Legal Adviser in the Ministry of Health
4. The Prime Minister
5. The Attorney General
6. The Committee for the Examination of Misleading the public by the Ministry of Health
7. Member of the team for the treatment of epidemics of the Ministry of Health, Advisor to Israeli Ministry of Health on infectious disease epidemiology and head of the RD research team, Ran Balicer
By the State Attorney's Office
Salah al Din Street 29, Jerusalem
Tel: 026467011 Fax: 026466686, 026466590
The Respondents
Petition for a conditional order and a temporary order

Regarding the publication of false efficacy data for vaccine against Corona while hiding the general mortality data of the vaccinated, changing and distorting the mortality data retroactively and publishing a distorted research while influenced by conflict of interests of the Ministry of Health’s research director who admits together with his colleagues that they receive funds from Pfizer.
All appendices form an integral part of this petition.
In light of the puzzling and clearly unreasonable conduct of Respondents 1-4 who manage the system for public health in the absence of proper transparency, while having conflicting interests, while hiding and rewriting data, while blatantly ignoring the data that is inconvenient to them and letting foreign companies receive a reward from the State of Israel's health system, and in the light of the expert opinions attached to this petition, including the opinion of the Nobel Prize winner in Medicine and world expert in the field, this Honorable Court is requested:
To require from the Respondents to come and give an explanation:

1. Why do the Respondents not stop the "vaccination" campaign on the basis of RNA-messengers (Hereinafter referred to as "experimental genetic therapy") until the publication of true results of the side effects of this experimental genetic therapy and especially the general mortality data of treatment recipients and the balance of issues concerning the public as the Honorable Court deems appropriate including the date of the signing of the agreement with Pfizer and other confidential clauses, the government protocols on Corona which were held confidentialfor 30-years, details of the funds and benefits distributed by the pharmaceutical companies to all involved, everything shared with the public and in full transparency.

2. In the light of the seriousness of the facts presented in the petition, the Honorable Court is also required to issue a temporary order directing the Respondents to immediately stop the "vaccinations" campaign until all the issues raised in this petition are clarified.

3. The Honorable Court is also required to order the Respondents to pay the expenses of this petition.
Everything for the reasons listed here as follows:
The Petitioners:

1. The Petitioners are ordinary citizens who are currently abroad and who do not suffer from any conflict of interest in this unfortunate affair, we want to warn our brothers and we asknot to stand on their blood. All the efforts we made during several weeks to gather facts, to publish them and to warn and to prepare this petition were made on a voluntary basis, for the sole yearning of the Jewish soul for justice and peace.

2. Petitioner 1 is an Israeli citizen, researcher and doctor of biology who has spent years researching at the Institute of Microbiology Research of Prof. Didier Raoult in France, one of the world leaders in the field.Dr.HervéSeligman prepared over 100 scientific publications that have been reviewed by colleagues before publication. He is the father of two children who are also under pressure from the Respondents to receive the experimental genetic treatment of the Pfizer company in order not to suffer discriminations in their daily lives as will be expanded below.

3. Petitioner 2 is an Israeli citizen, a computer engineer, a graduate of the Technion in Haifa, a father of 4 children aged 18 to 25 who stands with his children, family and friends under the pressure of the Respondents to "get vaccinated" like other Israeli citizens who were restricted from entering and leaving the country. Petitioner 2 is the founder and spokesperson of a volunteer organization called "Nakim Israel" which has been active for more than 15 years for the proper administration of Israel, hundreds of members of the organization have empoweredPetitioner 2 to turn to state authorities for this purpose.

4. Attached to this isPetitioner 2's Self-Affidavit, due to the urgency of the petition and the length of time required in these days to issue a verified affidavit abroad.The Honorable Court is requested in the circumstances of the case to exempt the Petitioners from a verified affidavit or alternatively to grant an extension of 3 weeks to the Petitioners to submit an affidavit in this petition.
The Respondents:

5. Respondents 1-2 are the officers in charge of the public health on behalf of the State of Israel

6. Respondent 3 is the Legal Adviser of the Ministry of Health who hastened to respond to any legal request seeking to stop the vaccination campaignwithin a few days but who fills his mouth with water and has not responded for a month to Petitioner 2’s messageswhich prove that the harm of the vaccine tends to significantly outweigh its utility.
- Petitioner 2's first correspondence with the Respondents dated 20.2.21 which has so far remained unanswered for over a month is attached as Appendix 1
- The Answer dated 6.1.21 of Respondent 3 to this kind of correspondence, such as that of Adv. LiranShaked came within 3 days! Attached to this as Appendix 2.

7. Respondent 4 is the Prime Minister who acted vigorously to bring Pfizer's experimental product to Israel in a puzzling manner even before it was approved by any official body in the world. The official publications of the State of Israel indicate that Respondent 4 does not have any professional certification in medicine, biology or clinical trials.

8. Respondent 5 is the Attorney General of whom the Petitionerasked that he would open an investigation against the otherRespondents on suspicion of falsifying a report in which the mortality rate of the vaccinated persons was allegedly rewritten between the two doses and on account of concealment of the mortality data of the vaccinated persons. The Petitioner did not receive any answer of Respondent 5 to the letter he sent him.
- The request of Petitioner 2 to Respondent 5 to open an investigation against the other Respondents is attached to this as Appendix 3

9. Respondent 6 - theCommittee which is supposed to check Public Deceptionsby the Ministry of Health is responsible for the public safety regarding medicines but instead of criticizing Pfizer's experimental medication and the misleading of the public by the Ministry of Health itself regarding its safety and effectiveness, it is busy threatening doctors who try to warn the public about Pfizer's experimental product.

10. Respondent 7 is an Israeli physician, Professor of Medicine, a member of the team for the treatment of epidemics of the Ministry of Health. Serving as the head of the National Cabinet of Experts in Dealing with the Corona Crisis Advising the Magen Israel System and the Government, he is the team leader who published a scientific paper with his colleagues on 24.2.2021 in the New England Journal of Medicine praising the effectiveness of Pfizer's experimental genetic therapy. He admits with seven other colleagues who signed the study that they receive funds from Pfizer. His scientific paper hides, among other things, the data on which it is based, the study is fundamentally biased, and does not report a threefold doubling of treatment morbidity two weeks after receiving the first dose, documented in tables of his own research on which the Ministry of Health bases itself exclusively to highlight the effectiveness of Pfizer's product.

11. And you will become mad at the sight of what you will see (Deuteronomy 28 ) , the State Comptroller Eliezer Goldberg has already warned that "governmental corruption is the greatest danger to the State of Israel, beyond any other danger ..." Even if we try to relate to the affair we are presenting below as and affair of gross negligence and recklessness it will be difficult to get rid of the bitter taste and the most heavy doubt in our eyes that the tens of millions that Pfizer has poured into the Ministry of Health and its employees in past years and the conflict of interest the Israel Prime Minister,Respondent 4, is involved in as well as the top executives from the Ministry of Health who advocate Pfizer's product.

12. We will leave these issues to the examination of Respondent 5 and the Committee of Inquiry required by the Association of Public Health Physicians as published on 24.3.21. Our point here is to stop the madness of the systems and to stop the stated intentions of the Respondents 1-4 to move on to dealing with the rest of the population and especially the children of the State of Israel.
The article dated 24.3.21 regarding the demand of the Association of Public Health Physicians for the Establishment of a State Commission of Inquiry is attached to this as Appendix 4and their announcement on the association's Facebook page is presented here:

Association of Public Health Physicians in Israel
Commission of Inquiry regarding the Corona Crisis - Now.
After more than 6,000 direct deaths due to the Corona epidemic, extreme lockdown and surveillance policies, the lockdown of the education system for a year and several tens of percent of unemployment, it is clear that there is an obligation to strengthen long-term public health protection in Israel.
It is therefore obligatory to establish a state commission of inquiry as soon as possible.
A state commission of inquiry will be able to identify the failures in managing the Corona crisis, and in particular in the decision-making processes.
The committee will be able to formulate critical recommendations for improving emergency preparedness and strengthen public trust.
Internal audit committees will not be able to see the full picture and will not be able to act independently right now, after the election and after the decline in morbidity, it is time to unite in demanding the establishment of a state commission of inquiry, for the sake of public health in Israel.

13. The State of Israel is in the midst of an unprecedented vaccination campaign to test the effectiveness of an untested genetic vaccine, in a new technology based on messenger RNA, which received only an emergency approval in the US and not a full FDA approval and cannot be labeled as “secure”. The Respondents 1-4 mislead the public since the beginning of the vaccination campaign until today claiming the vaccine is “secure”.
- False publication in the matter currently published on the website of the Ministry of Health is attached as Appendix 5.
Source: /https://Corona.health.gov.il/directives/vaccine-for-covid

14. In practice, it is a new type of vaccine trial through the injection of genetic material (on which there is no information regarding long-term effects) that is currently being carried out on Israeli citizens, without their informed consent, in violation of the Nuremberg Code, a blatant violation of Procedure 14 and the Patient’s Rights Law. 1996 (hereinafter the Patient's Rights Law), through wild and abusive emergency legislation, the whole purpose of which is to force the citizens and residents of the country to participate in the innovative medical experiment conducted on them, at significant risk to the health and lives of the Israeli population, in order to participate in the medical trial, in accordance with an agreement with Pfizer and for which the Respondents took upon themselves to force 90% of the Israeli population to participate in the medical experiment.Many of the sections and appendices of the agreementare hidden from the public.

15. People who have not received the above-mentioned experimental medication cannot enter places of sports, leisure, recreation and commerce, prayer houses and thus their access to various places and businesses that operate under the green label is restricted. Many workers who did not take part in this experiment are fired or threatened to be fired or sent on furlough, while disrupting their income and depriving them of livelihoods. Dedicated workers who until today were an asset to employers are expelled from workplaces in disgrace for refusing to participate in the medical experiment.
16. The Ministry of Health in practice relies only on the data provided by Pfizer and did not conduct an independent examination and fact-finding before launching the vaccination campaign, checking the risks arising from receiving the above-mentioned innovative medical treatment. The innovative medical treatment has not yet been approved by the FDA and is still in the phase of clinical trial (Phase 3), while the expected approval or archiving of the treatment according to the results of the clinical study is expected to be given only in February 2023, i.e. in about two years.These facts are explicitly written in the emergency use approval issued by the FDA for the medical treatment. The Respondents conceal these facts from the recipients of the treatment and falsely declare that the medical treatment has received FDA approval and that it is effective and safe.All data regarding the actual risks of the medical trial, being in the clinical trial phase, while it is still unclear what the efficacy and safety of the medical treatment are, is all hidden from the average Israeli citizen, in violation of the rules of the Nuremberg Code and Israeli law, including the Patient's Rights Law.
- A list of the facts regarding the treatment as published today on the FDA website is attached as Appendix 6 to this petition.

It should be emphasized that the FDA approval was obtained after the White House threatened to fire the FDA chief if he did not give the approval that day, i.e. that it was a fundamentally flawed approval.
- An article in theCalcalist about the threats against the head of the FDA is attached as Appendix 55.

It should be emphasized that the approval of the regulatory bodies in the Ministry of Health for medical treatment by virtue of Regulation 29 of the Pharmacists’ (Preparations) Regulations 5746 - 1986, cannot change the facts that this is a clinical trial, which has not yet received final approval from the FDA, and cannot eliminate the need to comply with the rules of the Nuremberg Code and the Patient’s Rights Law, which require informed consent to participate in a medical trial.

17. This and the FDA emergency approval is conditional on the complete absence of alternative drugs to treat Corona, a condition that no longer exists today for the existence of proven drugs as will be clarified below and / or drugs that have not been given due attention for arbitrary and extremely illogical conduct. The Petitioners warned even before the vaccination campaign began of the danger inherent in the RNA vaccine, for which some of the Petitioners funded a Facebook campaign on their own account to bring scientific information to the public about the dangers of Pfizer's RNA vaccine.

18. Due to pressure from Respondents 1-4 on the Facebook company the Facebook page of the "Nakim Organization" which gained hundreds of thousands of views was first blocked and then deleted completely. Even thoughPetitioner 2 made sure to publish on this page only factual, scientific and legal information.

19. Respondents 1-4 censored all social networks on the grounds of “Fake News” when in fact they were the main source of falsified facts about the effectiveness of Pfizer's product as will be seen below and thus prevented the public from obtaining information about the dangers involved in participating in the experiment.

20. On February 9, 2121, amongst others an article was published in theCalcaliston this subject, where the Ministry of Health announced as quoted "Contact Facebook and the police, the Ministry of Health saw this happen almost in real time, and acted on it and on Sunday Facebook removed the group..." regarding one of the groups against the vaccines.
- Article dated 9.2.2021 in Calcalist attached as Appendix 7
Source: https://www.calcalist.co.il/Ext/Comp/ArticleLayout/CdaArticlePrint1280  /0,16492,3892432,00.html

21. Petitioner 2 self-financed mainly two publications: The first is the very detailed 46-page criminal complaint and 38 appendices filed in France against the experimental genetic vaccine proponents, the complaint which was formulated by the reaction19 association numbering tens of thousands of French citizens, formulated by doctors and lawyers is attached to this as Appendix 44 and can be downloaded in English with its appendices at the link here:
https://reaction19.fr/reaction19/actualites/plainte-penale-relative-au x-vaccins

22. And the second publication was a collection of scientific publications indicating that there are proven and safe drugs for Corona (including zinc, vitamin D, C, ivermectin and Hydroxycloroquine) that are a more proven alternative than the experimental Pfizer gene therapy. Petitioner 2 referred readers to the c19study.com website which centers all the scientific research in question.

23. After the start of the vaccination campaign in the country, the Petitioners were astonished by the sharp increase in the number of deaths, which doubled in number compared to the first and second wave death rate. This was not based on any logic given that hospitals and the whole world had gained experience in treating Corona and there was no apparent reason in a period of full lockdown similar to the conditions of the first lockdown.
24. For this reason, the Petitioners began to investigate the possible effect of the vaccine itself on the increase in mortality and morbidity and, as will be clarified below, succeeded in proving that the vaccine is the one that caused the high morbidity and consequently the high mortality.

Factual background and exhaustion of procedures:

25. Since the outbreak of the Corona epidemic, Respondent 4 has acted obsessively, according to the CEO of Pfizer, to persuade him to turn the State of Israel into the experimental laboratory of the world. See the report dated 11.3.2021:
Pfizer CEO: "He called me to ask about children and pregnant women. I was impressed by his obsession, he called me more than 30 times, even at 3 in the morning. I know Israel is good at managing crises and living in an almost constant state of war, and we are very happy we gambled on Israel."

26. Pfizer / Biontech’s experimental genetic therapy has not yet completed Phase 2 and Phase 3 of development and data on this should be received by 2023.
In September 2020, the President of the French Foundation (the Committee for Independent Research and Publication concerning Genetic Engineering) issued a professional opinion explaining how the various genetic vaccines work and the danger inherent in them.
https://criigen.org/rapport-dexpertise-sur-les-vaccins-genetiquement-m odifie
- The full English expert opinion is attached as Appendix 8.
He summed up his opinion in these words:

27. There is no need to harden these words yet more with any interpretation of them and of the danger that hovers over the entire State of Israel in this respect which is a real danger of destruction.

28. He is not the only one who thinks like that and we also attach to it the expert opinion of Prof. Luc Montagnier, Nobel Prize winner in Medicine
- The full expert opinion in English is attached as Appendix 9

29. As well as the expert opinion of Dr. Hervé Seligman
The full and detailed expert opinion in English of Dr. Hervé Seligman is attached to this as Appendix 10.

30. On 11.11.2020, Respondent 4 had already entered into a contract for the purchase of millions of doses of the genetic treatment even before the Pfizer Biontech product was approved by any party. Prof. Amichai Cohen at the beginning of the crisis warned regarding the conduct of Respondent 4 as quoted: "While the State of Israel faces one of the most difficult challenges since its establishment, the prime minister makes unprecedented decisions alone, without convening cabinet ministers or a parliamentary emergency committee, contrary to the constitutional arrangement in Israel… The problem is even worse because the prime minister is in a clear conflict of interest. The prime minister's criminal trial raises at least the concern that some of his decisions are influenced by personal considerations. The postponement of the trial, the call for an emergency government headed by him, the schedules of decision– over all of them hoovers the questionis the prime minister free of any human consideration of self-interest?" As documented on the website of the Israel Democracy Institute.
- The article by Prof. Amichai Cohen dated March 19, 2020 on the website of the Israel Democracy Institute is attached to this as Appendix 11
- An article from 11.11.2020 on the Mako website about the entering of the purchase agreement even before the experimental genetic treatment was approved for use by any party. Attached as Appendix 53
- Announcement by the Prime Minister's Office dated 9.12.2021 in which Respondent 4 is photographed upon the landing of the first aircraft with the Pfizer vaccines on it two days before it was conditionally approved by the FDA, attached as Appendix 54.
31. As will be shown later in the data of the Ministry of Health, the first dose of the experimental genetic therapy in question weakens the immune system of the vaccinated and therefore triples the vulnerabilityof the recipients of the treatment to become affected byCorona, making them super-infectious and actually artificially increasing the Corona epidemic by the vaccinated.
32. Was Respondent 4 aware of this fact? And was Respondent 4's eagerness to start the vaccination campaign immediately after the FDA approval at record speed to bring about the postponement of his trial as it did? It seems that Prof. Amichai Cohen wanted to spare this kind of suspicion already at the beginning of the crisis.
33. Indeed, on March 15, 2001, new regulations came into force and Justice Minister Amir Ohana announced a state of emergency in the courts and subsequently postponed on thatsame day the Respondent 4's trial for two months, a trial that was to take place two days later... They reacted angrily in the political system, and the Movement for Quality of Government issued a statement stating "The Movement for Quality of Government will petition the High Court today following the decision of the Minister of Justice regarding the delay of hearings in the district courts. The movement says that "Minister Ohana is a temporary minister in a temporary government, who has never received the public's trust and has never been approved by the Knesset." The announcement further stated that "the movement warns that the use of the new regulations in order to rescue Netanyahu from prosecution is serious and constitutes an escalation in the trampling of law enforcement authorities in the State of Israel."
- An article from Maariv on the matter dated March 15, 2021 with the announcement of the Movement for Quality of Government is attached to this as Appendix 12
34. Only on 11.12.2020 did the US FDA issue an emergency permit to use Pfizer's product in respect of a political pressure on behalf of President Trump who was known for having a very friendly relationship with Respondent 4.
35. Following this, on December 19, 2001, the State of Israel began to provide the experimental genetic treatment to its citizens, thus becoming the "laboratory of the world" in the matter as subsequently declared by the CEO of Pfizer.
https://www.mako.co.il/news-lifestyle/2021_q1/Article-7fcb676ecbfd7710 27.htm
The publication of the notice is presented here in the body of the petition due to its importance:
Pfizer CEO admitted in an interview: Israel is the laboratory of the world
In an interview with NBC, the CEO of the company that produced the vaccines against Corona with which Israeli citizens are being vaccinated these days, admits that Israel actually serves as "the world's laboratory." Albert Burla said that thanks to field data coming from Israel, his companywill be able to get indications whether vaccinated people can infect others "within a month or two"

36. By then there was no guarantee as to the effectiveness of the genetic treatment. The proof is that Prof. Alan Fischer himself, an immunologist chosen by the Prime Minister of France to coordinate the government's vaccination strategy against the Corona, stated on December 5th, 2020 "The solution will take time, to know whether the vaccine protects the patient against the Corona and on the other prevents himfrom infecting others... We will probably need a few months to have this information that will affect the policy of the vaccine". Hence the person responsible for the vaccine in France clearly explains, that as of 5.12.2020 and this for a few more months, it is impossible to know what is the effectiveness of the vaccine offered by the various laboratories.
- The announcement dated 3.12.2020 by Prof. Alan Fischer, an expert in immunization and an adviser to the French government, as reported in the media is attached to this as Appendix 13.

37. This announcement became a mockery among doctors who declared it a real joke as documented in the article above.

38. It would have been possible to laugh at this bad joke if it were not for the health of the millions of citizens of the State of Israel and hundreds of millions of citizens in the world who are trailing behind it.

39. But this bad joke was not only valid last December and also today 4 months later.In the following are the answers which the Ministry of Health knows to provide in this regard:
If I got vaccinated, can I stop wearing a mask? Is the protection 100%?
As stated, it has not yet been clarified whether the vaccine prevents infection, and therefore, in the meantime and certainly as long as there is such a significant morbidity, we will not be able to remove the protection.

40. That is, the Ministry of Health does not know whether the vaccine prevents infection at all!

41. Regarding the duration of the alleged immunity:
I received two doses of vaccine. For how long do I have protection?
There is no answer to this question yet. Those who have contracted Corona and recovered from it for at least a few months (the incidence of re-infection are very few compared to the tens of millions who have already contracted the disease worldwide), but this cannot be inferred with certainty regarding the vaccine. Prolonged follow-up will answer the question of whether in the future it will be necessary to get vaccinated again and again, similar to many other vaccines.

42. That is, even today our Ministry of Health has no idea whether Pfizer's "vaccine" prevents infection and for how long it provides protection, two months, three, four?

43. In the past, many complaints have been filed in the United States against Pfizer, in connection with the marketing of a number of drugs, including:
BextraZyvox Geodon Lyrica

44. And Pfizer had to pay, among other things, the largest fine in the world of $ 2.3 billion for it.
"The largest fine ever on a pharmaceutical company: Pfizer will pay $ 2.3 billion
Pfizer will pay the fine for settling charges of illegal marketing of the drug in Castra.
- The article in The Marker dated September 9, 2009 is attached to this as Appendix 14

45. For this reason, Pfizer took major precautions that in the contract signed with the State of Israel, the State of Israel will bethe one who bears all responsibility for the future damages that will be caused to its citizens due to the experimental treatment based on the injection of RNA messengers.
The contract of the State of Israelwith Pfizer where the liability bearer and even the date of the agreement are hidden by a black bar.Attached to this as Appendix 15.

46. But as we shall now see, the introduction of Pfizer's "vaccine" required in-depth preparatory work, the main point of which was to disqualify any effective and inexpensive "vaccine" alternative.
Studies - medication for Corona

47. On April 30, 2020, a study was approved by the Ministry of Health for the administration of vitamin D3 to Corona patients to test its effectiveness. One year after the approval of the trial, the Ministry of Health has not yet begun recruiting patients for this purpose.
- The Ministry of Health's announcement of the opening of a study on vitamin D is attached to this, in which it appears that the recruitment of patients for the study has not yet begun, i.e. that vitamin D3 has not yet been provided to patients!Appendix 16

48. It is now known with certainty that vitamin D deficiency increases the risk of getting severely hurt by Corona, countless scientific articles and clinical trials have been done on it and there is no need to even mention them since the Ministry of Health itself is aware of this and has issued a directive on this subject.
- The directive of the Ministry of Health dated 11.10.2021 is attached to this as Appendix 17

49. But strangely enough, the Ministry of Health does not distribute Vitamin D to Corona patients and does not promote the research it has approved in this regard, and on the contrary it locks down the public in its home and prevents it from accessing the sea and the sun which would allow it to produce Vitamin D naturally from sunlight. This conduct also suffers from extreme unreasonableness.

50. It is likely that the Ministry of Health hides in this matter behind the guidelines of the World Health Organization which states as detailed here in English:

Because the WHO does not recommend any drug treatment against Corona.

51. But the State of Israel is not a satellite state subject to the guidance of foreign entities, ostensibly influenced by various pharmaceutical companies or stakeholders to shape its health policy. Israel is an independent country with extensive experience in medicine equipped with the best doctors and researchers in the world whose voices are not heard due to the predatory conduct of the Ministry of Health that does not involve the public in managing the crisis. Beautiful are the words of Prof. Hagai Levine, Chairman of the Association of Public Health Physicians in Israel, the Medical Association in announcing the termination of his position as a member of the National Cabinet of Experts of the Magen Israel Program of 9.1.2021"Unfortunately, we have repeatedly observed that the recommendations of public health experts are considered as a garlic peel by the government... Instead of a totalitarian-police approach, one should have acted in genuine cooperation andtransparency with the public, while creating trust, solidarity and intrinsic motivation to adhere to careful health behavior during the Corona period while exercising discretion and risk management, on a personal level as well as in the community and on a national level... The government has chosen to take forceful, disproportionate and unbalanced measures. Alongside reasonable and acceptable guidelines, arbitrary, inconsistent and internal logic guidelines were given from time to time, which were selectively enforced on different populations. The government, for narrow political reasons, refused to act differentially according to the risk and level of morbidity in different regions and different populations."
The announcement of the termination of the position of Prof. Hagai Levine dated 9.1.2021 is attached to this as Appendix 38
Source: /https://www.webster.co.il/2021/01/10/5309

52. But this strange announcement by the World Health Organization not only does not reconcile with recent studies, it does not even reconcile with the recommendations of the Ministry of Health itself which, as stated, published on its website an article on the effectiveness of vitamin D against Corona. However, as stated, the doctors do not provide enough vitamin for the patients as happened with the late pregnant Osnat Ben Sheetrit as will be explained below. See the directive of the Ministry of Health which they do not follow:
https://www.gov.il/BlobFolder/reports/nd-391339820/en/files_publicatio ns_Corona_nd-391339820.pdf
The recommendation of the Ministry of Health for taking vitamin D is attached to this as stated in Appendix 17.

53. All over the world the importance of vitamin D in the fight against Corona is understood, the Internet publishes a petition of over 200 doctors and scientists calling on the authorities to encourage the use of vitamin D to deal with Corona with scientific references to it.
- The international petition is attached as Appendix 39

54. It seems that it is not for nothing that the Vice-President of the Supreme Court, the late JugeMishaelCheshin, noted that the war against corruption is a war of self-defense in which no prisoners are taken, there is no better illustration of his statement than what is currently happening in the Ministry of Health and the case of vitamin D is not the only case.

55. We will mention here the words of Dr. Nader Butto, one of the most famous doctors in Israel. His words were published as early as on 31.8.2020 in an interview he gave to Mr. Danny Vidislavsky and can be viewed through this link:
Because it is irrelevant to close the country on positive tests and because we did not reach the number of people who died each year from pneumonia (900-1000), this year we have half of them (as of the end of summer 2020)... a diet that could protect is completely neglected by doctors, although food is the source of vitality. Antioxidants should be introduced if a person is infected with flu orCorona, vitamin C 20-10 grams has been shown to be very helpful in preventing the condition from deteriorating. There are scientific studies that prove that vitamin C, vitamin D and zinc prevent the condition from deteriorating for people who are in a state of high risk as well as melatonin and astaxanthin...
56. A senior physician in Israel, like many others, claims that conventional medicine already at the beginning of the Corona had all the tools to deal with the plague without the need for a vaccine or any drastic means.

57 On 7.4.2020, the Ministry of Health approved a study on Hydroxycloroquine and Azithromycin. A treatment which until then had been successfully implemented at the hospital in Nahariya which had a rate of almost zero deaths from Corona. But for his reasons, the Ministry of Health decided to prevent the supply of these drugs to doctors and strangely interrupted the continued success of the treatment as quoted: "Family doctors prescribed drugs against Corona - the health insurances stopped prescriptions. Following reports of recovery of Corona patients from a combination of the drug "Hydroxycloroquine" against malaria and the antibiotic Azanyl, doctors in the country began prescribing these drugs to patients who feared they had been infected. The stock began to run out, and the HMOs blocked the possibility of prescribing them."
- an article on the Y-Net website dated 15.3.2020 is attached to this as Appendix 18

58. This study was also buried in a grave burial by the Respondents who ostensibly did so for treatments which King Pfizer did not wish to exist... and, as stated, the treatment of these drugs was soon blocked by the Ministry of Health as a regular treatment for Corona, adding cases to the explanation service’s argument of Coronary mortality after the first wave and doubling these cases after the start of the vaccination campaign.
- The Ministry of Health's study from 7.4.2020, which is currently still in the recruitment stages about a year after it was approved is attached to this asAppendix 19

59. And on 1.1.2021, the very prestigious American Journal of Medicine published a scientific article recommending that patients ofCorona be given home treatment like any other disease which includes, among others, Hydroxycloroquine, Azithromycin and Zinc. Due to its importance, we will present here the treatment they recommend with HCQ, which is the abbreviation for Hydroxycloroquine:

The study published in the American Journal of Medicine on 1.1.2020is attached to this as Appendix 20
Source: https://www.amjmed.com/article/S0002-9343(20)30673-2/fulltext

60. On 31.1.2021 an organization of 30,000 doctors in France Santé libre published a protocol of preventive treatment and treatment of Corona. Because of their importance, we will also include them in the body of the petition. They, too, included vitamin D, C, zinc, Ivermectin and Hydroxycloroquine and Azithromycin, among others.
Preventive protocol:

Corona treatment protocol:

- The full recommendations are attached as Appendix 21
Source: /https://stopcovid19.today/coordination-sante-libre

61. On April 4, 2008, the Ministry of Health approved a study on Ivermectin. This study was initially approved on a very limited sample and was not expanded later even after it was proven effective. It also progressed at very low priority, not to mention, was blocked by the Respondents, according to testimonies from factors in the Ministry of Health who were shocked by this and with whom some of the Petitioners in question spoke. Suffice it to compare Respondent 4's eagerness to start and force Pfizer's experimental "vaccine" on the population to understand how the system operates a double standard in such a vital medical issue according to Respondent 4's bizarre conduct even before Pfizer's product received any official and professional approval.
- Research on Ivermectin on the website of the Ministry of Health is attached to this as Appendix 22 Source:
https://my.health.gov.il/CliniTrials/Pages/MOH_2020 -05- 04_008914.aspx

62. On February 14, the Jerusalem Post published an article documenting the announcement by Prof. Eli Schwartz, founder and head of the Department of Infectious Diseases in Tel Hashomer, that Ivermectin cures Corona within six days. Since then the Respondents have done nothing with the Ivermectin to the best of the Petitioners' knowledge. Immediately after the publication, Pfizer publicists once again went out to the media to clarify how limited the research was and why Pfizer's gene therapy, which they call a vaccine, is preferable over the well-known Ivermectin drug that has been used for many decades and has zero risk to patients.
- The article was attached to this as Appendix 23

63. The study was also cited in detail on 13.2.2021 on the website

64. https://trialsitenews.com/randomized-double-blinded-clinical-trial-at- sheba-medical-center-ivermectin-/materially-reduces-covid-19-viral-she dding

65. And there it was described that according to Dr. Eli Schwartz's study the chance of Ivermectin not being effective against Corona is one in a trillion... a number that should have been enough for the Respondents to offer it as an alternative to the public as required by any law as will be clarified later. Prof. Eli Schwartz's research as reported abroad is attached to this as Appendix 51.
66. Today Ivermectin is a proven effective drug against Corona and it is not for nothing that it was included in the above protocol of 30,000 French doctors. It is free of any significant side effects to the patient as it has been well known for decades. This work is too short to attach here all the research proving its efficiency. This can be found on the website https://c19Ivermectin.com - the research center dealing with this question. One can also be impressed by the very recently published remarks by world-renowned Prof. Alessandro Santin with over 260 scientific articles published in his name https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/?term=Santin+AD&sort=fauth
Prof. Santin, director of a famous research institute at Yale University, issued a statement on the effectiveness of the Ivermectin drug in which he treated dozens of Corona patients.
An article by Mart Beth Pfeiffer dated 22.3.21 in the matter that is attached as Appendix 25
https://trialsitenews.com/top-yale-doctor-researcher-Ivermectin-works- including-for-long-haul-covid

67. These treatments were able to reduce the mortality rate of Corona patients to almost zero, as happens in many countries where these drugs are used (India, Mexico, Argentina, Slovakia, etc.) including partially in Israel, both at the beginning of the Corona affair in hospitals and in private treatments of the NGO Chasdei Amram or Dr. Nader Butto or others.
Hiding the mortality of the vaccinees
68. On the other hand, social media and the media constantly publish reports of casualties and deaths close to receiving the experimental genetic treatment, including healthy people without background illnesses. Many reports include heart attacks due to inflammation that develops near the vaccination of even young people without diseases. For this reason, the Petitioners and many others have set up forums on social networks to document the hundreds of cases of victims of the experimental genetic treatment of the Pfizer company, which is too long to document here, with each case being a disaster in itself caused by Respondents 1-4 to entire families for their recklessness and negligence at best and for concealing information from the public both about true data of side effects and treatment effectiveness and for their motives not to explore cheap and simple alternative medication such as this.
69. At the beginning of last February, the Ministry of Health published a report dated 22.1.2021 stating that the mortality rate of those vaccinated between the first and second vaccines is 0.2 %. Signed by Dr. Boaz Lev, Prof. Shmuel Rishpon and Prof. Tal Brosh
http://www.nakim.org/israel-forums/download.php?id=612 .

70. Here is the relevant paragraph of the report:
Vaccine Status Update - Mr. Michael Steinmetz (Director of Vaccine Complex)
To date, 3.1 million vaccines have been vaccinated. 2.4 million first-dose vaccinated + 700,000 second-dose vaccinated. 200,000 people are entitled to a vaccine certificate (one week after the second vaccination)
Today, 200,000 vaccines are vaccinated daily - divided by the health insurance organizations and the hospitals and Magen Avot
69% arrive to be vaccinated after 21 days. 0.7% have not yet been vaccinated without any justifiable reason for 25 days (about 3000 people). The health insurance organizations are trying to improve the numbers and reach everyone. 0.2% died in the period between the first and second vaccines. 0.6% in isolation. 0.4% recovery
Prof. Nachman Ash - Priority groups
Thank you for your concern regarding this subject - it is very important and helped regularly prioritize, while neutralizing influences
The full report dated 22.1.2021 was attached to this as Appendix 25.

71. Oddly enough a few days after the publication and loud reaction of the public to this on social media, the report was rewritten and the mortality value of the vaccinated between the first and second vaccine was changed to 0.005 without specifying the unit. This was done without any explanation and without a version change. It appears that the rewriting is a seemingly untrue report and that the first figure of 2.0% is more in line with the percentage of deaths between the two vaccine doses among the population vaccinated until 21.1.21, the date of the meeting convened in the report.
Attached to this is a link to the rewritten report.
Vaccine Status Update - Mr. Michael Steinmetz (Director of Vaccine Complex)
To date, 3.1 million vaccines have been vaccinated. 2.4 million first-dose vaccinated + 700,000 second-dose vaccinated. 200,000 people are entitled to a vaccine certificate (one week after the second vaccination)
Today, 200,000 vaccines are vaccinated daily - divided by the health insurance organizations and the hospitals and Magen Avot
69% arrive to be vaccinated after 21 days and 29% arrive to be vaccinated a second dose late.
1.85% have not yet been vaccinated for a second dose after 25 days, of which: 0.55% because they were in isolation, 0.18% because they were sick, 0.41% because they were declared recovering from corona and 0.005% because they died (for various reasons). 0.7% have not yet arrived to receive a second vaccine for no apparent reason.
The health insurance organizations are trying to improve the numbers and reach everyone.
The vaccine is given at 378 vaccination sites of the HMOs, hospitals and the IDF. In addition, several hundred Magen Avot vaccine centers.
Prof. Nachman Ash - Priority groups
Thank you for your involvement in the subject - it is very important and regularly helped prioritize, while neutralizing influences
https://www.gov.il/BlobFolder/reports/vaccine-priorities-board/he/file s_publications_corona_vaccine-priorities-board-21012021.pdf
The rewritten report dated 22.1.2021 is attached as Appendix 26

72. Only on 24.3.2021, after a request of Petitioner 2 to open an investigation against Respondent 5 did the Ministry of Health update the following comment on its website regarding the report dated 22.1.2021, without specifying the date of the update:
https://govextra.gov.il/ministry-of-health/covid19-vaccine/covid-19-va ccine-efficacy-safety-/follow-up-committee
This protocol was replaced after a mistake was made in the section on the status of vaccines, which inadvertently caused a misunderstanding of the facts. Therefore, the previous protocol is void and the document on this site correctly represents what was presented at the hearing.
- A printout of this page dated 24.3.2021 as it appeared in the Google cache is attached to this as Appendix 56 and indicates that this comment did not yet exist on 24.3.2021 at 6.51.GMT
- A printout of this page as it appears from 25.3.2021 onwards is attached as Appendix 57 and contains the above clarification.

73. However, a review of the second and most recent version of the report reveals that the rewrite is an alleged distortion. It is not possible that only 0.005 percent died in the three-week period between the two doses. A table published by the Central Bureau of Statistics in its report is attached to this as Appendix 50. From this table it can be seen that the mortality rate for the entire population before the Corona was 11779 people of the total population within 12 weeks. This is for a population of 9.136 million inhabitants (CBS press release dated 19.12.2020 is attached to this as Appendix 58) i.e. a mortality of 2944.75 = 11779/4 deceased in 3 weeks which consist of 0.0329 = 100 x(2944.75/9,136,000) percent of the total population in 3 weeks.

74. That is, it is not possible that only 0.005 percent of all vaccinated people died between the first and second doses, as claimed in the latest version of the rewritten report from 22.1.2021. This is especially true since the vaccinated from 20.12.19 to 2021.1.21 were in the overwhelming majority a population of over 65 i.e. their mortality rates had to be much higher than the overall average of 0.032 percent, while the indication says 0.005 percent i.e., 6 times lower and this when the mortality rate from Corona is on top. From this it must be concluded that some factor in the Ministry of Health allegedly distorted in the rewritten report the mortality rate of the elderly between the first and the second dose following the noise that the 0.2 percent data disclosure in the first report caused on social media after it was revealed.

75. We are therefore dealing with an alleged deliberate deception of the public, by a government body, to hide the high mortality rates from the vaccine for corona between the doses, a particularly high mortality as will be further demonstrated below.

76. On 2.9.2021, Petitioner 2 submitted an urgent request to the Ministry of Health for the ongoing publication on the Internet of the number of those who died among those vaccinated against Corona subdivided by age and reasons for death according to the Freedom of Information Act. Application number 252787, the Ministry of Health dragged its feet regarding this application and it took them over a month to respond to it without publishing the requested as we will see below.
- Petitioner 2's request to Respondent 5 according to the Freedom of Information Act is attached to this as Appendix 27.

77. In the absence of a response and in light of the urgency of the matter, the Petitioners were forced to turn to other sources of information, including an article on YNET claiming that the data presented in it originated from the Ministry of Health and that the effectiveness of the vaccine had been checked. Attached is a link to an article on YNET dated 11.2.21 attached to this as Appendix 28

78. In this article, a table was presented from which the Respondents derived Pfizer's vaccination efficacy percentages in Israel. The table is attached.

79. In the YNET article above, another table was presented, below is the second table which is derived from the Respondents to strengthen the data on the effectiveness of the vaccine on a population of 43871 people. The table below shows data on the alleged decrease in coronary mortality as time passes since the first injection of the vaccine.

80. But instead of learning about the effectiveness of the vaccine from these tables one can learn about the toxicity of the vaccine and the particularly high mortality that it causes mainly near the giving of the first and second injection. This is due to the fact that the mortality rate of the vaccinated during the period of vaccination is tens of times higher than the mortality rate of the non-vaccinated during that period. The same phenomenon will be revealed in another table of the Ministry of Health that will be revealed and brought later.
81. Following the publication of these data, Petitioner 2 addressed to the Respondents on 21.2.21 an urgent request to re-examine the toxicity of Pfizer's vaccine and to stop the vaccination operation until the publication of the mortality data of the vaccinated. To date, the Respondents have refrained from responding to this request.
- Petitioner 2's application dated 21.2.21 was attached as stated as Appendix 1.

82. With all due respect to the experts sitting in the Ministry of Health, if there are any of them sitting there, there is no reason to prevent all the experts from all over the world who need the true data from expressing their opinion on efficacy versus toxicity of the vaccination campaign they lead in complete lack of transparency.

83. Due to this lack of transparency of the Respondents and the non-publication of the mortality data of the vaccinated, the Petitioners were forced to calculate the mortality during the vaccination period with two methods, one in a stringent way according to a YNET article where it says that this is a snapshot of the current situation in the hospitals. “We also
see from the data that out of 856 patients over 60 hospitalized in critical conditions, 56 have been vaccinated and more than a week has passed since receiving the second dose - almost 5.6 percent. Among 203 hospitalized in serious and critical conditions under the age of 60 - only 10 were vaccinated and received the second dose more than a week ago, and only one was vaccinated with the second vaccine dose more than two weeks ago." Accordingly, the Petitioners' calculations showed a mortality rate that was 35 times higher for those vaccinated who were 60 years and older between doses and 190 times higher for those aged 60 and under. As specified in Petitioner 2's request to the Respondents attached as Appendix 1.

84. In his expert opinion attached as Appendix 10, Petitioner 1, Dr. Seligman calculated the mortality data of the vaccinated between the two doses according to the YNET table in a lenient way, i.e. with reference to the possibility that the table is spread over the entire period of vaccination from 20.12.19 to 21.2 10 and includes all the vaccinees. In this case the mortality of the vaccinees is 20 times higher for those aged 60 and more during the period of vaccination and around 40 times higher for those aged 60 and under. In each of the calculation methods it becomes clear that there is a weakening of the immune system and dozens of times more mortality regarding the vaccinated versus the unvaccinated which indicates that the genetic experimental product is really not beneficial.

85. On 24.2.21, experts on behalf of the Respondents published a study headed by Respondent 7, hereinafter the Clalit medical insurance study, in the New England Journal of Medicine which allegedly points out the effectiveness of Pfizer's vaccine
https://www.nejm.org/doi /10.1056/NEJMoa2101765.

86. In the statement of conflict of interest attached to the article, 8 out of ten of the researchers stated that they receive funds from Pfizer, including the head of research, Dr. Ran Balicer.
- The statement of conflict of interest of the researchers is attached to this as Appendix 29

87. On 1.3.21, the Petitioners published a scientific review article on the Clalit Health Insurance study proving that the research on behalf of the Respondents was fundamentally biased in selecting vaccination candidates who were half less Corona patients compared to the control group from the first day of the experiment on. This could not be a coincidence and there is a suspicion of intentional deception from the beginning of the study on, a suspicion added to the lack of transparency demonstrated in the conduct of the study when the study data was not published.

88. It also appears from a re-analysis of the data of the same study that in the week after the first vaccination, the morbidity in vaccinated people is 3 times higher than in the same group before vaccination as shown in the graph below.

89. This serious and incomparably important fact has not been reported by the researchers on behalf of the Respondents.

The graph was extracted from Table S7 on page 46 of the Appendix Supplementary file which can be downloaded here from the New England Journal of Medicine website where the study is published: https://www.nejm.org/doi/suppl/10.1056/NEJMoa2101765/suppl_file/nejmoa pp2 .pdf
- Petitioner 1-2's Scientific Review Article is attached as Appendix 30, the table S7 is attached as Appendix 29

91. An abstract of this article was submitted for publication in response to the New England Journal of Medicine. It should be clarified that this graph is of paramount importance and since its unveiling, experts from all over the world have personally approached some of the Petitioners including the Nobel Prize winner in medicine, and the Petitioners have even been interviewed about it in various news channels.

92. On 1.3.21 Petitioner 2 sent a request to the Committee for the Examination of Public Misleading in the Ministry of Health to remove the publication containing false date on behalf of Ichilov Hospital praising the effectiveness of the Pfizer vaccine. In this case, too, the committee has not responded to this request and the publication has not been removed.
- The request is attached to this as Appendix 31.

93. On 6.3.21, an organization of 30,000 physicians in France “Santé Libre” presented, among other things, the analyzes of Petitioners 1-2 to challenge the vaccination campaign in France.
The relevant pages of their presentation on the issue of vaccines including the points raised by Dr. Seligman and Petitioner 2 are attached as Appendix 32
Source: https://www.francesoir.fr/societe-sante/coordination-sante libre-monte-en-puissance

94. On March 11, 2021, a German website org.correctiv, claiming to be a fact-checking website, published a review article in German on Petitioner 2's article which was sent to Respondents 1-4 in a request dated 21.2.21 under the heading "Urgent Request to Re-Examine Toxicity of Pfizer's vaccine and stop the vaccination operation until the mortality data regarding the vaccinees is published."
Israel: Nein, die Covid-19-Impfung erzeugt keine 40 Mal höhere Sterberate (correctiv.org)

95. Petitioner 2, who until then had managed to respond to 4 review articles on his article which was reported all over the world and translated into many languages, also responded to this review article in German and contradicted its claims one by one.

96. In this article in German a new table was provided by the Ministry of Health to the German journalists from the org.correctiv website to contradict the allegations made to them in Petitioner 2's request dated 21.2.21 Appendix 1 "Urgent request to re-examine Pfizer's vaccine toxicity and suspend vaccination operation until publication of mortality data of the vaccinees" which was based on a mortality data table provided by them to the YNET website. Appendix No. 28.

97. This new table is presented here in the body of the petition due to its importance, when the German journalists claim that this table was provided by the Israeli Ministry of Health at their request:
From 20.12.2020 until 10.03.2021

2nd part below...

הצטרפו לערוץ של נקים בטלגרם להתעדכן:

הסקר קובע: רוב הציבור בישראל סבור שהשחיתות פוגעת בחייו היום יומיים,
חתום על העצומה נגד שחיתות הממסד ומערכת המשפט והצטרף ל"נקים"

ניתן להשיג את חיים יטיב הדובר של ארגון "נקים" באמצעות טלגרם @HaimYativ או דוא"ל haim@nakim.org

השופט מישאל חשין:המלחמה בשחיתות היא מלחמה להגנה עצמית בה לא לוקחים שבוייםEvil or Very Madsadomaso

נערך לאחרונה על-ידי חיים יטיב בתאריך ראשון 09.05.21 1:12, סך-הכל נערך 6 פעמים
חזרה למעלה
צפה בפרופיל המשתמש שלח הודעה פרטית שלח דוא\ בלוג בקר באתר המפרסם

מבזק חדשות נקים: 21.7.06 פניה חריפה של "נקים" למזוז בסוגיית פרשת השוחד של אולמרט

חיים יטיב
דובר של `נקים`
דובר של `נקים`

הצטרף: 23 ינו' 2006
הודעות: 1013

הודעהפורסם: שלישי 27.04.21 22:44    נושא ההודעה: part 2

98. The young German journalist who contented herself with counting the deaths to claim that there were more deaths among the non-vaccinated did not understand that one has to refer to the percentage of deaths compared to the sick and to adapt the number of deaths on the timeline accordingly.
99. In light of the importance of the table Petitioners 1-2 wrote a separate scientific paper only on this table.
- Scientific article by Dr. Harvé Seligman and Petitioner 2 on the subject is attached to this in English as Appendix 37
- The article in German with the table comparing the mortality of the vaccinated and the mortality of the unvaccinated is attached to this as Appendix 33
100. It further became clear from the same article in German that on 4.3.2021the Ministry of Health published a response on its website to Petitioner 2's request under the heading "False: Vaccines cause more severe morbidity and mortality than the Corona itself" and also updated the same article on 8.3.2021.
- A printout of the Ministry of Health's response article is attached to this as Appendix 34
101. ThePetitioners were amazed by this response, how does a government ministry that respects itself as the Ministry of Health conduct itself like the last blogger to respond in the dark on the Internet without the knowledge of the applicant instead of responding through a legal adviser?
102. It further appears that the said publication of the Ministry of Health referred to an unsigned publication on behalf of the website of the "Mada’at" association in order to contradict Petitioner 2's allegations at the link here:
- A printout of the Ministry of Health's response article is attached to this as Appendix 35
103.And this when the same article is again based on the distorted scientific research of the Clalit HMO.
104. This indicates that the Respondents are in fact now relying exclusively on the scientific paper of Dr. Ran Blacier and his colleagues to continue their vaccination campaign since they do not have the mortality data of the vaccinees but individual reports from the Ministry of Health's voluntary reporting system that is equivalent to the VAERS system in the United States, and it is written about it in an article by the "Mada’at" association, which was pointed out in the Ministry of Health's Internet publication amended on March 21, 1988, that: a voluntary system for collecting reports from the public about side effects of vaccines, since this system does not audit and test cases, serves to identify tendencies and for early warning, for the purpose of in depth examination, it includes a clarification that the numbers that appear in it should not be used as data or to base oneself on them to identify a connection to the vaccine"but suddenly the voluntary reporting system is used as a fig leaf to think that everything is going well with the vaccination operation.
105. In the same article by the Mada'at Association the falsified claim presented by the Ministry of Health to contradict Petitioner 2's claim is brought.
The post wants us to think, that the vaccine does not kill, let alone does not kill with Corona.
Next, they try to argue in the post that if we multiply the number of vaccinated people over the age of 65 by 0.2 and the number of vaccinated people under the age of 65 by 0.04 (these are the same coefficients that they "calculated" for mortality), then we get the actual mortality from the so-called vaccines. Suppose this is true: we raised our heads, took the data from the Ministry of Health and calculated. As of this writing, we have vaccinated about 720,000 people over the age of 70 in single doses (data are in groups of 0-19, 20-29, 30-39, etc., so it is not possible to calculate exactly from the age of 65 and below). We also vaccinated at least about 4.09 million people under the age of 69 with one dose. If we multiply these numbers by 0.2 and 0.04, we will get 307,000 people who allegedly died from the vaccine, if we believe what is written in the post. In Israel, such mortality is a total mortality of about 6-7 years together, for all reasons. Of course, 307,000 people did not die here from Corona, without Corona, with a vaccine, without a vaccine, or at all.
There are many more mistakes and misrepresentations in the post, number distortions, selective reading and misinterpretation of information sources. Therefore, in conclusion, this is an incorrect, misleading and false post and it is really not recommended to believe the one who wrote it.
The vaccine is safe, effective, and along with wearing masks, maintaining physical distance, preventing crowds from gathering and other restrictions that reduce the transmission of the virus, we will eventually be able to return to routine.
106. While it is clear from reading Petitioner 2's article that this is a multiplication of 0.04 percent for those aged 65 and under and 0.2 percent for those aged 65 and over, as clarified from section 12 in Appendix 1 above. And that the data obtained are 1636 deceased for ages 65 and under and 1440 deceased for ages 65 and over according to the determinations set forth in the YNET article that these are data at the time of publication of the article. But instead of presenting the real mortality data of the vaccinated, the Ministry of Health or their emissaries are busy deceiving the public.
It will further be clarified that if Respondents 1-3 had a question on this subject it was explicitly stated in Petitioner 2's request that they were invited to contact him as quoted:
29. I will be grateful for your most urgent reply in a return email.
30. Dr. Seligman who is among the authors of this letter and meare at your disposal for any questions and assistance that may be required to decipher the data or to provide explanations on the foregoing.
108. But the Respondents chose to act behind everyone’s back and arrogantly on this important issue instead of cooperating with the public.
Three times higher morbidity of the vaccinated after the first dose
109. As stated above, based on the official data of the Clalit Health maintenance organization published in the New England Journal of Medicine, Petitioner1-2 revealed that during the two weeks of administering the first dose, the infections of Coronaregarding vaccineeswas tripled compared to the same group before vaccination.
110. In parallel with the data revealed in the table of the Ministry of Health presented by the German journalist above, it appears that the vaccine weakens the immune system already after the first dose, since the risk to people who contracted Corona near the injection to die is 12 times higher than to the unvaccinated between the two injections and 28 times higher the week after the second injection. And 15 times higher after receiving the full dose.
111. The table does not divide between ages, but from past experience we know that mortality is concentrated mainly among those aged 65 and over. Unlike the previous table of the Ministry of Health from 10th to 21th February in which there was a separation between those aged 60 and over and those aged 60 and under, here all ages are mixed.
112 Mixing the young vaccinated in the current table actually hides the even higher mortality that the vaccine causes to the elderly during the vaccination process. See an article by Dr. Hervé Seligman and Petitioner 2 on the subject after analyzing the VAERS reports in the United States on thirty years, which include Pfizer's vaccine data.
- The scientific article of the Petitioners 1-2 is attached to this as Appendix 36.
113. In addition, the table does not indicate the population of those who are not sick, which makes it difficult to derive from it the harm / benefit ratio of the vaccine and requires reference to other sources of information for this purpose, as Petitioners1-2 did in a previous article which they submitted to the Ministry of Health, attached to this as Appendix 1. These data were supposed to be on display if they did prove that the vaccine was indeed effective, hiding them raises questions about the good faith of the advertisers in the Ministry of Health.
114. In addition, the mortality data of theCorona infected patients shows that it was the duty of the Ministry of Health to warn vaccinees that they had to be isolated for about two weeks before receiving the experimental vaccine and during a five-week period ("vaccination period" according to Pfizer) in order to prevent them from becoming infected and from infecting others during this disastrous period.
The vaccinees become weakened and contagious during the vaccination period
115. Each recipient of the experimental treatment becomes a potential candidate for the spread of the virus during the period of immunization, which may explain both the increase in morbidity in Israel since the start of the vaccination campaign and the increase in mortality due to the data presented above.
- The scientific article of Petitioners1-2regarding this subject is attached to this as Appendix 37
- The expert opinion of Dr. Harvé Seligman, Petitioner 1 in this case, is attached to this as Appendix 10 as aforesaid
116. As detailed in Dr. Seligman's article and expert opinion, this also indicates harm to the immune system of the recipient of the experimental treatmentand must be reported to the public so that they can protect themselves from the participants and so that the participants themselves take the necessary precautions in order not to be exposed to viruses during this disastrous period. We will mention the unfortunate case of the late pregnant Osnat Ben Sheetrit who not only became infected by her husband after receiving the treatment but who according to her recorded message which the Petitioners managed to obtain did not receive any drug treatment in hospital according to the puzzling guidelines of the Ministry of Health which completely contradict the protocols cited above. This indicates the widespread negligence prevailing in the Ministry of Health.
One can hear the words of the pregnant woman who passed away at the end of the recording on the Telegram channel of the organization Nakim:
27. But damage to the immune system does not stop atCorona and it ostensibly exposes vaccinees to mortality from any other disease including cancer as Dr. Hervé Seligman said in an interview about it along with Petitioner 2 to the France Soir newspaper.
https://www.francesoir.fr/videos-les-debriefings/la-vaccination-en-isr ael-le-diable-est-dans-les-details
118. On 22.3.2021, Dr. Indrani Roy published a response in the British Medical Journal in which she sought to warn and describe the correlation between the increase in morbidity in the world from Corona and the start of the vaccination campaign against Corona. She cites Brazil, India, England and Israel where mortality after three Months of vaccinations equate to mortality after 10 months preceding it.
The article by Dr. Indrani Noy dated 22.3.2021in the British Medical Journal is attached as Appendix 52
A puzzling answer of the Respondents
119. On March 14, 2021, the Ministry of Health responded to the request of Petitioner 2 under the Freedom of Information Lawand stated as quoted “following your request in question and despite the lapse of 30 days from the date of submission of the request, the examination of your request has not yet been completed. We work, together with the professional bodies in the office, to complete the examination of your application and for this purpose we need an additional period of 30 days.” This is particularly puzzling when a basic and important fact that is unparalleled in these circumstances should have been available to the Respondents to allow an adequate critique of the experimental vaccination campaign they imposed on an entire country.
-The answer of the Respondents dated 14.3.21 is attached to this as Appendix 40
120. On 17 March 2021, the Ministry of Health replied to the request of Petitioner 2 under the Freedom of Information Law.
- The Respondents' reply dated 17.3.21 is attached as Appendix 41
121. The answer does not correspond to Petitioner 2's request, since regular publication on the Internet of the number of deceased among the vaccinated againstCorona was required, including the classification of the cases of death according to age and causes of death
- The request of Petitioner 2 to Respondent 5 according to the Freedom of Information Law is attached as aforesaid as Appendix 27
122. The Respondents publish in their database "data of deceased from Corona". There is no technical reason not to publish "Data of deceased from vaccination" with classification according to age, time of treatment reception and causes of death so that the public and scientists can compare it with previous years and the population of the non-vaccinated which is the only way to verify the degree of toxicity of treatment statistically and properly.
123 The Respondents also respond as quoted "The Ministry of Health examines death reports in the vicinity * of receiving the vaccine (* Death in the vicinity of the vaccine refers to a period of up to 30 days after receiving the vaccine)" i.e. the Respondents rely solely on the voluntary reporting system attached by this link which is very unknown to the public and very lacking.
124. On March 21, 2002, the Civil Investigation Committee, which was established with the aim of investigating the Israeli government's conduct on the Corona issue, addressed Respondents1 and 5with“a demand to stop the administration of Pfizer vaccines due to the lack of a system for monitoring and tracking side effects.”
125 In its application, the Committee mentions the collection of evidence of 193 deaths associated with Pfizer's vaccine and many hundreds of other reports of serious injuries to vaccinees, while the Committee details the serious failure of the health system in collecting documentation and in making these cases visible to the public.
126. The Committee notes that 25% of the deaths are aged 60 and under, i.e. a ratio of 1 to 4 with those aged 60 and over. It should be noted that in the Petitioners' application dated 21.2.2021to the Respondents, the Petitioners stated a ratio of 4.4 in mortality following the vaccination of those aged 65 and over compared to those aged 65 and under, calculated from the VAERS data analysis of the American Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. The Respondents' request was attached to this as Appendix 1. That is, the data of the Petitioners from another source intersect with the data of the Civil Committee.

The legal claims
Extreme improbability

127. It is extremely unreasonable that the Respondents do not have constant monitoring of the condition of the vaccinated while it is a huge scale experiment with catastrophic consequences if anything goes wrong. In addition, the study published in the New England Journal of Medicine by Clalit HMO below is the Clalit HMO study, which indicates that this information is found in HMOs and the Respondents know how to use it when it is convenient for certain parties to partially present data that indicate in an absurd waythe efficacy of the vaccine, while the vaccine candidates in the study were carefully selected from a healthier population and the tripling of morbidity in the vaccinated immediately after the first dosewas not reported. See expert opinion of Petitioner 1, Dr. Harvé Seligman cited above and attached to this as Appendix 10.
- Tables from the above study showing the mortality of the vaccinated on a population of about 600 thousand vaccinated is attached to this as Appendix 47, which indicates that this information is in the possession of the Respondents.

128. It is also unlikely that the Respondents will stop linking the cases of death to the vaccine after only one month, while there may be a deterioration in the condition of the vaccinee immediately after the vaccination that lasts more than a month until death. As this court decided previously, it isa duty to inform the patient within the framework of informed consent and section 13 of the Patient’s Rights Lawand this is consistent with the patient's normative expectation to know. It is clear that every vaccinee expects to be informed what his future will be beyond a month after the end of Pfizer's experimental vaccination process, especially when "we are the laboratory country of the world" as Pfizer's CEO puts it.

129. It should be noted that the website of "Nakim" alone records no less than 70 deaths near the vaccination reported by the families on social networks and / or in the media and it is unlikely that the Respondents will claim that the amount of the deceased is only half as large while the Petitioners only managed to collect the tip of the iceberg.

130. http://www.nakim.org/israel-forums/viewforum.php?f=36

131. The Respondents' failure to promote alternatives to Pfizer's product also suffers from extreme unreasonableness and as we have seen above the Respondents allegedly torpedoed any initiative of physicians in Israel to offer alternatives from the beginning of the Corona eruption on.
Violation of section 13 of the Patient's Rights Law 1996 and violation of the public interest

132. In his application dated 21.2.2021, Petitioner 2 wrote to the Respondents.
21 “In light of the above, I would like to ask you to re-evaluate your data with an appropriate focus on vaccine toxicity before boasting about its effectiveness when presenting the efficacy data of the vaccine.
22. As stated, this further strengthens the need for you to publish the mortality data as requested by virtue of the Freedom of Information Law.
23. With all due respect to the experts sitting in the Ministry of Health as long as there are any, there is no reason to prevent all the experts from all over the world who need accurate data from expressing their opinion on the effectiveness versus toxicity of the vaccination campaign you have led.
24. Sunlight is the best disinfectant for scientific errors that experts on your behalf can make. Also, sunlight is the best disinfectant to expose conflicts of interest, if any, which some of your officials and advisers are affected by, including the prime minister, what strangely led to bringing Pfizer's vaccine to Israel even before an emergency approval was officially issued in any country, see among other things the confidential date of the agreement with Pfizer.”

133. In his application dated 21.2.2021, Petitioner 2 added to the Respondents that "not only this but even if the vaccine is effective, as you claim, and despite all the above, hiding information about the mortality data of the vaccinated, the side effects, the secret clauses of the agreement with Pfizer and the confidential Corona protocols of 30 years, only in vain give rise to the suspicions of the citizens who refrain from getting vaccinated for this reason while you endanger them unnecessarily, even in spite of your version."

134. Indeed, this is how this esteemed court ruled in Appeal in civil matters 4380/13 Rickman v. Clalit Health Services (2015) in paragraph 21: "On a higher level of generalization it can be said: Physicians must present to their patients important decisions that require the exercise of discretion - when there is no urgency and emergency situations - as early as possible, in a way that will allow them to make an informed decision on the subject. This is not always possible, for example in the case of a "complication" during a medical procedure that requires an immediate decision. However, there is no doubt that this is required with regard to expected risks that should be addressed as part of routine medical follow-up. In the circumstances of the case, no reason was presented not to do so."

135. Hence the concealment of all relevant information from the public and patients as described at length above constitutes a serious violation of the principle of informed consent before granting any medical treatment and also hides possible conflicts of interest in the decision-making ofRespondents in recommending this or that treatment.

136. Moreover, the mortality rate in 2020 before the start of the vaccination campaign was not exceptional and would not justify any emergency approval in Israel. Presenting mortality data in a hysterical, trending, and propaganda-like manner in the media constituted an undue pressure on each and every patient to agree to participate in the experimental treatment of Pfizer. As quoted in an article in Maariv: “A new study states: The Corona does not affect the mortality rate in Israel according to a study published by the Central Bureau of Statistics, even among the elderly over 70 and 80 - there is no change in the annual mortality rate.”
Source:https://www.maariv.co.il/landedpages/printarticle.aspx?id=78782 5
- The article from Maariv is attached to this as Appendix 49.

137. And here is the study by the Central Bureau of Statistics indicating that there was no abnormal mortality at the beginning of the Corona and that in fact the abnormal mortality began to appear only in the summer of 2020, parallel to the period when the Ministry of Health prevented doctors from treating Corona patients, except as part of clinical trials.

138. The CBS study dated 3.12.2020 on this subject attached to this as Appendix 50.

139 This official report of the Central Bureau of Statistics unequivocally proves that on the eve of the vaccination campaign there was no excess mortality for children aged 0-19 due to the Corona. This is detailed in the report on page 5 which states as quoted: “Among young people up to 20 years there was a lack of mortality also during the Corona period (23%)” i.e., no danger was posed to young people up to the age of 20 from the Corona, on the contrary, 23% less young people died in the Corona period than in the corresponding period of 2019, even considering the growth of this population. It should be noted that even those aged 20-30 are probably not in any danger from Corona, but due to the broad age group 20-59 in which a report over the age of 20 is used, this cannot be deduced from this report.

140. Hence it is clear that there has not been and still is no reason to give this experimental Pfizer treatment to young people when it is not known how it will affect their health and fertility over the years. This conduct of the Ministry of Health suffers from extreme unreasonableness, harms the public interest and endangers the next generation without any substantive cause other than sacrificing an entire generation on the altar of the narrow interests of a medical experiment.

141. Hence, the campaign of persuasion of young people to get vaccinated both in the army and in the media was not only false in nature but was a blatant violation of the principle of informed consent by concealing from them that there is no benefit to them in receiving this experimental medical treatment and no guarantee that thismedical treatment will prevent them from infecting others, but at the same time it puts them in real danger that has already caused major damages to young people and caused side effects such as myocarditis.
142. On the other hand, the sluggish behavior of the Ministry of Health in finding alternatives to vaccination by not recruiting patients quickly and in sufficient quantity for the clinical trials offered by doctors in hospitals, and not giving a free hand to physicians who have demonstrated excellent results in Corona prevention have prevented patients from choosing and consenting to this or any other treatment.

143. We will mention here the obligation of Respondents 1-4 to offer patients alternatives to the proposed treatment even if they do not apply to their taste in their departments.This esteemed court in Appeal in civil matters 1303/09 Margalit Kadosh v. Bikur Cholim Hospital, decided as follows: "Similar statements, which reflect a high standard of the duty of disclosure and adoption of the test of the patient's needs compared to the test of customary practice, we find in the judgment of Judge Haendel in Appeal in civil matters 2342/09 Jubran v. Misgav Ladach Hospital (unpublished, 6.4.2011) in which there is a discussion on the duty to disclose a place in which a certain medical practice can be offered (in this context of a customary practice and various medical schools, I expanded in Appeal in civil matters 6936/09 Yehuda v. Clalit Health Fund) (Unpublished, 5.3.2012) henceforth: The matter of Yehudah (and the reader is invited to refer to this case.) A girl who appeals in the 36th week of her pregnancy to twins in a normal vaginal birth, even though one of the fetuses was in a lateral position, without the doctor informing her about the possibility of giving birth by caesarean section. The birth of that fetus involved a reversal, and at the end of the day he was born with a mental retardation. The hospital argued in its defense that the conduct of the medical staff complied with its practice and that it was not necessaryto inform the midwife of other options not practiced in this situation. The court rejected the contention, in view of the wide scope of the duty of disclosure derived from the patient's needs, which teaches that the very existence of additional practices - even if not practiced by part of the medical community - required the medical staff to inform the appellant of them. And in the words of the court: "The reasonableness of the disclosure derives from the view of the patient's needs and not from the customs of the medical community."

144. It is not disputed that the Respondents did not inform the public about alternatives practiced elsewhere in the world and even in Israel such as at the Chasdei Amram Association, Dr. Nader Butto or in hospitals in early Corona such as Nahariya where patients were treated withhydroxychloroquine and erythromycin very successfully.

145. The threatening pressure and coercion exerted by Respondents 1-4 on Israeli citizens and especially on young people, who have no equal in the world and are ashame for Israeli democracy, by forcing citizens to receivethe experimental medical treatment of Pfizer through imposing limits on traveling abroad, a campaign of intimidation in the media, threats of local authorities, threats of dismissal of workplaces and more constitutes a blatant violation of the principle of informed consent before any medical treatment as enshrined in section 13 of the Patient Rights Law 5766-1996.
This arbitrary and extreme conduct was mentioned by this esteemed court regarding travel abroad in its judgment in HCJ 1107/21 Oren Shemesh et al. v. the Prime Minister in the words of the Honorable President:

To be continued

הצטרפו לערוץ של נקים בטלגרם להתעדכן:

הסקר קובע: רוב הציבור בישראל סבור שהשחיתות פוגעת בחייו היום יומיים,
חתום על העצומה נגד שחיתות הממסד ומערכת המשפט והצטרף ל"נקים"

ניתן להשיג את חיים יטיב הדובר של ארגון "נקים" באמצעות טלגרם @HaimYativ או דוא"ל haim@nakim.org

השופט מישאל חשין:המלחמה בשחיתות היא מלחמה להגנה עצמית בה לא לוקחים שבוייםEvil or Very Madsadomaso
חזרה למעלה
צפה בפרופיל המשתמש שלח הודעה פרטית שלח דוא\ בלוג בקר באתר המפרסם

חיים יטיב
דובר של `נקים`
דובר של `נקים`

הצטרף: 23 ינו' 2006
הודעות: 1013

הודעהפורסם: שלישי 04.05.21 22:29    נושא ההודעה: part 3

145. The threatening pressure and coercion exerted by Respondents 1-4 on Israeli citizens and especially on young people, who have no equal in the world and are ashame for Israeli democracy, by forcing citizens to receivethe experimental medical treatment of Pfizer through imposing limits on traveling abroad, a campaign of intimidation in the media, threats of local authorities, threats of dismissal of workplaces and more constitutes a blatant violation of the principle of informed consent before any medical treatment as enshrined in section 13 of the Patient Rights Law 5766-1996.
This arbitrary and extreme conduct was mentioned by this esteemed court regarding travel abroad in its judgment in HCJ 1107/21 Oren Shemesh et al. v. the Prime Minister in the words of the honorable President:
The harm of the restrictions imposed on Israeli citizens regarding entering and leaving Israel is, as stated, extensive and severe, and the period of time during which the restrictions continue, as well as the fact that they were imposed without sufficient notice and in close proximity to the election, further intensifies it. On the other hand, the scope of the benefit inherent in the restrictions imposed is, at this time, abstract and uncertain.
In view of past experience with the English variant, and due to the concern pointed out by professionals and the development of vaccine-resistant variants, it can be accepted that there is justification for caution, even given the uncertainty regarding the realization of the risk posed by such variants. However, in the circumstances described, it seems that taking restrictions on entry into and exit from Israel as a means of preventive caution, its harm far outweighs its benefit. Support for this conclusion can be found in the fact that Israel is the only democratic state in which the right of citizens to enter the country was so sweepingly restricted (for a comparative review see Yuval Shani, Mordechai Kremnitzer, Amir Fox, Guy Luria and Nadav Mordechai "Proportionality of Restrictions on Citizens Entering and Leaving Israel" 23.2.2021, as well as the existence of alternative meanswhich are less harmful, even if less useful (HCJ 2293/17 Gershger v. Kanet, para. 40 23.4.2020)

146. In addition to concealing the mortality data and side effects the trial participants complained about, the full agreement with Pfizer, the 30-year confidential Corona protocols, all of these constitute a violation of the public interest and prevent "unvaccinated people" and their parents from making an informed decision in violation of the principle of informed consent as enshrined in section 13 of the Patient’s Rights Law, 1996.

147. This and the concealment of the granting of the exemption to Pfizer from assuming liability for the damages caused by the experimental treatment without proper public hearing constitutes an arbitrary act causing serious harm to the public interest in view of fines and compensation of billions of dollars imposed on this company for the multiple damages it has caused to millions of citizens worldwide in the past.

148. Even according to the very unreasonable assumption that despite all of the above the Respondents are right in their assessment that the ratio of efficiency to damage is in favor of Pfizer's product, with their non-transparent and forceful conduct they deter the unvaccinated public from agreeing to try Pfizer's product, endangering the same public according to their claims and exposing it to the Corona virus.

149.So that in any alternative situation it would be the duty of the Respondents to conduct themselves with proper public transparency and to disclose to the Petitioners and the citizens of Israel before continuing the "vaccination campaign" all the necessary data regarding the mortality of the vaccinated, regarding the manner in which the government makes decisions and regarding the conditions of the contract with Pfizer.
Arbitrary conduct which suffers from extreme unreasonableness

150. The concealment from the public of the mortality data of the vaccinated raises many questions about the good faith of these operations.

151. If these data are not available to the Respondents, then weshould mention here again the words of this honorable court in the same ruling in HCJ 1107/21 Oren Shemesh et al. against the Prime Minister relating to this phenomenon in the Respondents to make decisions based on their subjective feelings as quoted from the words of the Honorable President Esther Hayut:
Existence of a factual infrastructure for the purpose of imposing restrictions
On the sidelines, I will add that during the hearings that took place in the petitions, it became clear to us that the procedure for installing regulations and the restrictions set out in them even suffered from a lack of relevant factual infrastructure. As is well known, any decision of the administrationauthority, including a decision to install secondary legislation, must be based on a sufficient factual basis (Dafna Barak-Erez Administrative Law Vol. I 439-442 2010). From the arguments heard before us, it became clear during the discussions that the government respondents do not have any data regarding the number of citizens abroad who wish to return to Israel. This basic figure that could indicate the extent of the expected harm was not in the hands of the government respondents throughout the period beginning on January 26, 21, when decisions were made to impose restrictions, even after petitions were submitted and hearings held. On March 12, 2021, after a conditional order was issued, a "demand survey" was published by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, calling on Israelis seeking to return to Israel to announce this and their whereabouts. A similar survey was published about a year ago, in March 2020 with the outbreak of the plague. On March 15, 2021, the government respondents submitted preliminary data from the "demand survey" which shows that the number of Israelis seeking to enter the country from abroad now stands at 1886. It goes without saying that given the short and late period in which these data were collected it cannot present an accurate and exhaustive factual infrastructure, and in any case, it certainly cannot make up for the damage that was caused to begin with in the installation of a procedure of regulations in the absence of any factual infrastructure in this regard. The lack of such an infrastructure even emphasizes the degree of arbitrariness from which the daily quota of 3,000 passengers suffers.

152.And this omits the basis under the feet of Respondents 1-4 regarding the green passport vaccination policy and all the decrees they imposed on the public to persuade it to get vaccinated.

153. This is when there are now clearly and proven cheap treatments for Corona recommended by many doctors as mentioned above such as Ivermectin, Zinc, Vitamin C that were mentioned above and Vitamin D on which, as stated, the Respondents themselves posted on the Ministry of Health website:
https://www.gov.il/BlobFolder/reports/nd-391339820/he/files_publicatio ns_Corona_nd-391339820.pdf

154. If Respondents 1-4 had taken a balanced approach without taking a blatant side in favor of Pfizer's product, with proper transparency and with the participation of the medical community in Israel instead of silencing them, the studies proposed at the beginning of the Corona crisis and adopted today by many physicians would be made public so that the citizens would be able to make an informed choice regarding the appropriate treatment for them.
A defect that goes to the root of the decision to initiate the vaccination campaign and to continue it

155. Bringing Pfizer's product to Israel even before it was approved for use by any official body. The threat to the head of the FDA to confirm the emergency clearance. And the concealment of clauses in the agreement with Pfizer form a defect that goes to the root of the decision to start the vaccination campaign in Israel.

156. In addition, these allegations of a conflict of interest for which the opening data of the study were distorted and the number of deaths among the vaccinated were not reported properly and no increase in morbidity of 3 times more regarding the vaccinated were reported following the first dose are added to the conflict of interest situation in which Respondent 4 found himself as detailed above and because of which citizens of Israel have been organizing demonstrations for many months.

157. A scientific review article byPetitioners 1-2proofs that the research of HMO Clalit was fundamentally flawed both because of the opening data of the carefully selected samples and in favor of the vaccine, and because of the concealment of the phenomenon of doubling morbidity regarding the vaccinated at the end of the first week. And both because of the conflicts of interest by which 8 out of 10 of the researchers were affected and because of other deficiencies and defects that go to the root of the Respondents' assessment that it is safe to continue the vaccination campaign.
- The article is attached in English and is marked as stated as Appendix 37
- and the expert opinion of Dr. Hervé Seligman is attached to this as stated asAppendix 10

158. This article raises multiple questions about how the research was done and its results that seemingly nullify any scientific basis for the continuation of the vaccination campaign and certainlythese claims require answers and public participation by the Respondents and not disregard as has happened so far. All of these crystallize into a defect that goes to the root of the decision to continue the vaccination campaign.
Conflicts of interest

159. In addition, the aforesaid situation of conflict of interest, as stated by Dr. Ran Balicer and his staff, is raised
- The statementof 8 out of 10 of the researchers that was attached as stated as Appendix 29as it was attached to the study can be seen through this link here:
https://www.nejm.org/doi/suppl/10.1056/NEJMoa2101765/suppl_file/nejmoa 2101765_disclosures.pdf

160. It is inadmissible that 8 scientists on behalf of Respondents 1-4 declare that they receive funds from Pfizer and on the basis of their more dubious scientific publicity will endanger the future of an entire country.

161. But they are not alone, also Prof. Galia Rahav, who seeks to vaccinate the children of Israel en masse and impose sanctions on teachers who refuse to be vaccinated, is infected with a conflict of interest and receives benefits from the Pfizer company. See the detailed article published in the Haaretz newspaper on March 10, 2121, which states that there is no law in Israel that requires doctors to report receiving funds from pharmaceutical companies, but is this also the case regarding such a high-ranking public official?
- An article dated 10.3.21 in the Haaretz newspaper of Itai Rom is attached to this as Appendix 42
How much did Pfizer pay Israeli doctors, and for what?

162. It also appears, in addition to the reports of the Ministry of Health, that Pfizer has been the cumulative number one contributor of the Ministry of Health and its employees in the last three years, which may indicate many conflicts of interest among Respondents 1-4 and 6-7 in this case.
- The reports of the Ministry of Health regarding the donor for the years 2017-2019 are attached to this as Appendix 43
Source: https://www.health.gov.il/subjects/finance/pages/donation_reports.aspx

163 The Ministry of Health launched a persuasion campaign "If there is any doubt, no doubt you will be tested"!
It seems that in light of the above, the above can be applied to healthcare professionals, if there is any doubt about your data and your conflict of interest situation, go and get tested! The Ministry of Health should be honored with the request to publish their data on vaccine mortality and everything they hide in the Pfizer agreement, to reveal to the public the thirty-year confidential Corona protocols and to reveal what benefits each of the researchers received from Pfizer who signed the biased research in favor of Pfizer.

164. We will present the remarks of the Honorable Judge Barak in the Shimon case (HCJ 595/89 Shimon v.Superintendent for the Southern District in the Ministry of the Interior 84 44(1) 409 (413-414)These are the provisions of the basic principles of the system. Derived provisions are engraved from it. According to which these provisions are interpreted. Judicial laws are derived from it - "a common law in the version of Israel" - regarding conflicts of interest in areas not covered by legislation. Through it the law will develop and a proper solution will be given to problems of conflict of interest that life will provoke over the years... The legislature's silence regarding the unregulated area is not generally interpreted as a negative arrangement regarding that area, but only as an avoidance of legislation that allows the application of decided law"...
Violation of the duty of caution

165. All of these also do not take into account the long-term damages described in the criminal complaint filed in France against the RNA vaccine coefficients that include causing infertility which could make the vaccination operation a real disaster.
- The criminal complaint translated to English is attached hereto as Appendix 44
The appendices to the complaint can be found at the link here:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1c12W8Y6UJbqm-nOWTLH49RCNYox2pvH-/view  ?usp=sharing

166. We will clarify that the seriousness of the alleged criminal acts in this case is immeasurably more severe than the complaint filed in December 2020 before the vaccination campaign began and before the accurate data was hidden from the public and before coercive pressure was exerted and people were threatened in order to force them to be vaccinated while blatantly violating the principle of informed consent prior to any medical treatment as enshrined in section 13 of the Patient’s Rights Law 5756- 1996.

167. It will also be clarified that the above criminal complaint also does not take into account the alleged criminal motive to hide from the public preventive treatment for Corona with scientifically proven drugs with few known side effects in contrast to Pfizer and Moderna's experimental products as explained above.

168. In addition to the above, the Petitioners will argue that the damages, which are already caused to the citizens today and / or may be caused to them in the future as a result of the medical treatment, outweigh dozens of times the highly questionable benefits of the experimental medical treatment. According to the statistics, there was no increase in the number of deaths from respiratory diseases, at least for young people in 2020 (the year of the alleged epidemic), which would have happened if there had been an epidemic. Over 97 percent of those infected with the virus are asymptomatic or pass the disease easily and recover from it. This is no more than seasonal flu if it has been treated properly according to the doctors' recommendations. On the other hand, all of the above and the long-term consequences of the treatment, the damage and the severe side effects that the experimental treatment generates in the patients who took the treatment, indicate that the medical experiment performed on the population of the State of Israel must be stopped immediately.

169. Prof. Luc Montagnier, a world expert in the field and holder of the Nobel Prize in Medicine, has approached Petitioner 2 in recent days regarding studies published by him and by Petitioner 1. With much courtesy, Prof. Montagnier agreed to give his expert opinion to this honorable court. In his expert opinion, he warns against the development of autoimmune diseases, mutations and more. He suggests that the vaccination campaign on the basis of RNA vaccines must be stopped for safety reasons. He also emphasizes that contrary to what the Ministry of Health has stated, there is indeed a possibility that the DNA of some of the vaccinated will undergo genetic modification due to the "vaccines" of Pfizer and Moderna, with disastrous results for the vaccinated which also corresponds to the position of the two additional expert opinions attached to this petition.
- The expert opinion of the Nobel Prize winner in Medicine, Prof. Luc Montagnier is attached to this as Appendix 9 as aforesaid

170. There is no country in the world that has reached such a high rate of treatment recipients in such a short time, a rate of damage to many vaccinated and, on the other hand, coercive measures against citizens who refuse to participate in the medical experiment. There is no country in the world that so aggressively pushes, forces and coaxes all its citizens to participate in a medical trial and imposes sanctions on those who refuse, which severely disrupts the routine of their lives in the country.

171. There is no country in the world that strongly recommends that pregnant women, young people and adolescents take the genetic medical treatment, when the medical recommendation is not to vaccinate those populations especially young people since Corona does not endanger them in any way so that there is no justification for them to take any risk of that kind. It is clear that the State of Israel is conducting a medical experiment on its citizens, blatantly violating the Nuremberg Code and causing harm to the general public, not only to those who died and were harmed by receiving the medical treatment but also to those persecuted in their country for refusing to receive an experimental medical treatment.

172. There is no country in the world that thinks of giving the innovative genetic treatment to its children, contrary to the instructions of the FDA and with a desire to conduct a medical experiment on Israeli children, as is currently being committed scandalously to pregnant women.

173. Indeed, Prof. Eran Dolev, former Chief Medical Officer of the IDF, a member of the Ministry of Health's Vaccination Prioritization Committee that determined the stages of the vaccination campaign – when, to whom and how the vaccines againstCorona will be given in Israel - announced his resignation from the committee. He indicated that the reason for this was that his opinion regarding vaccinating pregnant women had not been accepted and according to him, "the vaccinehas not been tested by any company and has not been approved by the FDA."
The article on this matter dated 18.3.2021 was attached to this as Appendix 48

174. The implications of the said medical treatment on the fertility of women and men duringfertility age wasnot examined by anyone. There is a not far-fetched possibility that this medical treatment might cause barennessto women and potency problems to men. Some pregnant women have already lost their fetuses as a result of receiving the above treatment during pregnancy.The consequences of the implementation of the agreement and the medical experiment conducted today on healthy citizens, on the future generation of the State of Israel, both in terms of fertility and in terms of morbidity, are among the most serious consequences the state has known since its establishment.This is the most serious of all the wars that the State of Israel went through. If it turns out that this medical treatment causes fertility problems to the recipients of the treatment and a great deal of morbidity, then the immediate and long-term consequences will be extremely severe.In such a situation, the medical experiment conducted on Israeli citizens and residents must be stopped immediately. An experiment that has no equal in any country in the world.

175. As evidence of this, we recall the conclusion of the medical study initiated by the Ministry of Health after it had already vaccinated most fertile women in Israel on the effect of Pfizer's "vaccine" on the fertility of women aged 18-42, as published on the US Government website:
The announcement of the Ministry of Health dated February 10, 2021 is attached to this asAppendix 45 and regarding men as Appendix 46

176. It is said that one day a doctor asked the rabbi: “Honorable rabbi, why is it written “The best of the doctors go to hell” ... The rabbi replied: What does this have to do with you? Bring me the best of the doctors and I will tell him… The doctor was not offended and understood the moral”
The sin of arrogance is the mother of all sin in medicine, and this is how theRespondents 1-4 acted in their forceful conduct to impose on an entire nation the experimental treatment on the basis of RNA messengers from the Pfizer company as the ultimate treatment sine qua non.

177. Haste is from the devil it is said and so it may become clear at the end of the route of the speeding train led by the locomotive of Respondent 4 and his crew. When in front of him is a bright red-painted traffic light, in the form of the expert opinions presented above, shouting that the innovative genetic medical treatment received only an emergency approval from the FDA and only following threats to fire the head of the FDA by the President of the United States, at that time a friend of Respondent 4.

178. World experts testify in their expert opinion presented here that its efficacy and security and long-term effects have not yet been properly tested, a treatment that now causes death and serious illness to many patients, when the above data have not shown any benefit-versus-harm but rather the opposite is evident from the scientific articles of Petitioners 1-2 above, and when the Ministry of Health admits that it does not monitor patients at all for more than one month.

179. In any case, it is the duty of the Respondents to point to alternative therapies offered by other physicians to patients to allow the public to make an informed decision as to whether to be included in Pfizer's 'Laboratory State'.

180. We are dealing with a medical product manufactured by Pfizer, a company that has a problematic past and a dubious reputation, while the State of Israel has exempted the aforementioned company from all manufacturer's liability, when the Respondents undertake an agreement with it on obligations hidden from Israeli citizens, and as a consequence are taking drastic measures against the citizens of Israelincluding preventing entry to businesses and places of entertainment, harm to livelihoods and various threats to citizens to force themto accept the above treatment.

181. Forcing this experimental genetic treatment on a large civilian public is being investigated and scrutinized by international courts for the prevention of crimes against humanity.
182. The non-transparent conduct of the Respondents described above not only harms the public interest but it also harms the public trust in state institutions, a trust which forms the basis of any democratic regime.


183. Sunlight is the best disinfectant for scientific errors that experts on behalf of the Ministry of Health may commit and sunlight is the best disinfectant to reveal conflicts of interest, which Respondents 1-4 and 6-7 are affected by as well as officials and advisers in the Ministry of Health who hide details from the agreement with Pfizer and the government protocols regarding Corona.
184. In the absence of a possible proper review of what is happening in the dark at the Ministry of Health and in light of their refusal or inability to publish on the Internet the requested information regarding the mortality of the vaccinated and their inability / unwillingness to collect and publish the side effects data of the vaccinated properly.

185. And in light of the negligence of the Ministry of Health, which does not monitor patients for more than a month, as is clear from its statements.

186. And in light of the need to find out the mortality rates of the vaccinated and more broadly the alleged effects of severe weakening of the immune system caused by the experimental RNA-injection from the Pfizer company and the examination of the multiple reports on causing general inflammation, heart attacks and other stroke events in young and old alike.

187.And in light of the facts and opinions presented here which point to multiple dangers and numerous deficiencies in the safety of the experimental genetic therapy on the basis of RNA messengers and in light of the alternatives proposed by many physicians for the treatment of Corona which the Respondents refrain from promoting and publishing.

188. The necessary precautions applicable to public institutions must be taken in accordance with binding public norms and the vaccination campaign must be put on hold until all the information required above has been published to enable the informed consent of the citizens before receiving the experimental genetic treatment.

189. In light of the aforesaid and the concrete damages on the one hand and the potential and unknown on the other hand which are caused to thousands of citizens every day from the continuation of the vaccination campaign without being given a proper opportunity for informed consent as enshrined in section 13 of the Patient’s Rights Law as detailed above.

190. The remaining arguments of the Petitioners will gladly bring forward at a hearing to be determined, a self-affidavit to verify the facts is attached to this.

191. The court is asked to order the Respondents to bear the costs.

Petitioner 1 Petitioner 2

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מבזק חדשות נקים: 21.7.06 פניה חריפה של "נקים" למזוז בסוגיית פרשת השוחד של אולמרט

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